We award grants to teachers for innovative classroom and campus projects that stimulate learning and excellence.
We award grants to teachers for innovative classroom and campus projects that stimulate learning and excellence.
The Belton Education Foundation (BEF) Teacher Grant Program is designed to encourage, facilitate, recognize and reward innovative and creative instructional approaches to the accomplishment of curriculum objectives that enhance student achievement.
All employees of Belton ISD who are involved in and impact the instruction of students are eligible to apply for grants
All employees of Belton ISD who are involved in and impact the instruction of students are eligible to apply for grants
All employees of Belton ISD who are involved in and impact the instruction of students are eligible to apply for grants
Grant Considerations
Represent a creative or innovative approach to relevant and engaged student learning.
Directly benefit large numbers of students.
All grants are dependent upon available funding. Above dollar amounts are intended as guidelines only.
Application Process
Teacher Grant Applications open at the beginning of Fall Semester.
Applications are only available electronically.
Applications will be reviewed by campus principals, supervisors, Belton ISD Administration and BEF Board prior to consideration by BEF Programs Committee.
If applying for a grant as a group, department, or campus, please identify one teacher as your team leader and main contact, but please include all teachers/staff involved on the grant application.